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Home / Events / Religious events / Easter in Corfu / Great Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)

Great Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)

Maundy Thursday

20:00 General rehearsal of the Musical Corps of the "Mantzaros Philharmonic Society", on Holy Thursday night, where all the masterpiece mourning processions are performed (Calde Lacrime, The Kingdom of Pluto, Marcia Funebre by G. Verdi, La Madruga, Aranjuez, Mar Sotiri Kritikou etc) performed by "Mantzaros" during the religious ceremonies of Holy Week, inside the Church of Agios Georgios old Fortress, on Holy Thursday 21/04/2022 at 20:00 pm.

20:00 Maundy rite (washing of the feet) in the Catholic Cathedral of Saints Jacob and Christopher (Duomo), during which His Eminence the Catholic Archbishop George Altouvas symbolically washes the feet of twelve children. The Holy Hour ceremony is performed late in the evening (the Eucharist adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament).


Date & Time

April 13, 2023

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