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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

11:00 Procession of the sacred relic of Saint Spyridon. On Palm Sunday, after the mass in the Church of Saint Spyridon (the patron Saint of Corfu), the longest procession of the sacred relic is conducted, approximately alongside the old walls of the town, officiated by His Eminence the Metropolitan of Corfu, Paxos and the Diapontian Islands Nektarios. The procession is rooted in 1629, commemorating the miraculous salvation of the island from plague.


21:00 Concert by the Kapodistrias Philharmonic Society of Corfu with the choir of the Holy Metropolitan Church in the Church of Saint George (Old Fortress).


20: 30 Religious concert with the participation of all sections of the Corfu Choir at the colonnade of the Saints George and Michael Palace.



Date & Time

April 9, 2023

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