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Casa Parlante. Reviving history. “Welcome! Please, come in! The Count will be with you presently. He ...
The Folklore Museum of Sinarades. The “Nikos Paktites” Folk Museum of Sinarades  is housed in a traditional two-floor building. It...
Lazareto. Miniscule island, opposite Kontokali, just 2 miles from Corfu. It was a monastery at the time of the Venetian...
Kynopiastes. Kynopiastes is an old, officially characterized, traditional settlement, eight (8) km south of the city of Corfu, two (2)...
Kontokali. 6.5 km from Corfu Town; No.7 City Bus; a ten - minute walk from the bus stop. ...
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DANILIA PARK & MUSEUM   Danilia Village is a beautiful replica of a 1930s..
It is known that the National Poet of Greece Dionysios Solomos spent..
This is the house where the great national poet Dionysios Solomos (born..
2023 09 21 4.29.39 μμ
2022 09 06 2.05.36 μμ
Corfu Port Authority wishes to welcome you to the island ! We hope,..
Despite Corfu’s proximity to mainland Greece, where Jewish communities have existed since..
visit corfu mon repos
It is located within the park of Mon Repos, a 258 acres ..
visit corfu museum asian art
The Museum was founded in 1927, when the ambassador Gregory Manos donated..
visit corfu sights old fortress
One of the most distinctive features of the portrait of the town..
visit corfu sights culture serbian museum
The Serbian Museum exhibits the rare material that shows the Serbian soldiers'..