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With internationally recognized philharmonic orchestras and choirs, Corfu is a perennial source of music. This cultural dynamic is prominent in the world of music and is stamped on the religious festivities and music events with exceptional quality.
You will find out that, music is the prevailing Art on the island.
Music exists everywhere; in the fetes, in the Saint’s processions, even in Corfu’s dialect. The magnificent melodious nights in the town’s narrow paved streets, the international music events and the Ionian University’s seminars attract thousands of music fans every summer.
Easter time is probably the best period to discover the decisive influence of music in the island’s religious tradition. Choirs, ecclesiastic music concerts, bands and the processions of the Saint express the Divine Drama. Devout atmosphere, thousands of visitors, the unique habits and customs like the “Pot throwing(botides)” custom on Holy Saturday morning offer an once-in-a-lifetime experience!
In this glorious celebration, various elements come together harmoniously; the Christian faith, the pre-Christian tradition, the powerful presence of Saint Spyridon, the Catholic community and of course the spring atmosphere.

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