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Tandem paragliding flights involve a candidate students being securely strapped into a comfortable flying harness positioned in front of the pilot and connected to the pilot and the glider. The tandem glider is specially designed to carry two people and is nearly twice the size of a regular solo paraglider.

The paragliding flights last on average about 20 minutes, depending on the force of the wind and other flight conditions. Before your actual flight you will have a short briefing about the take-off and your flying seat position (comfortable as a recliner). You'll also practice taking off before you're actually ready to fly. the team is made up of very experienced pilots who are certified 

the flight is filming with gopro camera hero5 and after the flight you take the sd card with you!


As this activity is very dependent on the weather, please make sure you contact your instructor to confirm your flight 2 days before the event, to ensure the weather will be suitable to do it.


Please note for safety reasons, you must not weigh more than 120 kg


  • bottled water and snack

  • trekking or sports shoes

  • sun cream and sunglasses

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