Skripero School Museum
The establishment of the school museum was a lifelong dream for the teacher Priftis, who served 35 years teaching in schools. His concern was that something should be done to save as much as possible from the material of the schools that were closed or merged, to be classified and exhibited in a suitably designed space.
The struggle for teacher Priftis began when in 2008 his son, a mechanic and landlord, passed away prematurely. He began by trying to convince friends, colleagues and services about the importance of founding the museum. The choice for the housing of the museum was made based on the favourable geographical location of Skripero, alongside the fact that the primary school there had been closed for three years with all the old school material still remaining.
Decisive factors in its founding were the then Municipality of Paleokastritsa with mayor Kostas Halikias, who supported the implementation of this idea, and Primary education system of Corfu that facilitated the teacher to collect archival material.
The museum began operating in October 2009. The building belongs to the Municipality of Corfu which also covers operating costs. Admission is free for all. It is an ideal place for hosting various indoor and outdoor cultural events due to its audiovisual infrastructure. The museum also collaborates closely with the Department of Museology of the Ionian University on research and presentation of the history of education, and is part of its museum collections.